Mes produits: 

» Protection contre la malveillance - Contrôle d'accès

» Vidéo surveillance

Adresse : 9 Bd de libye val d'anfa 20100 - Casablanca
Tél : (0)522394904
Fax : (0)522394908
E-mail : sfib@sfib.ma

Standard Camera Pre-Packs

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   » Vidéo surveillance    »  Publié le 2015-07-09  [Lu  3174  fois]

Standard camera pre-packs save you time and money. With quick and easy installation, pre-packs come in NTSC and EIA versions, as well as indoor/outdoor.
NTSC and EIA versions only
Choice of camera, lens, housing and mount combinations
Some versions also available without housing
Assembled, adjusted and tested
Quick and easy installation
Indoor and outdoor versions
Some versions include heater and blower


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