Mes produits: 

» Composants pneumatiques

Adresse : Tanger Free Zone - TFZ, ilot 103 - lot 3 - 90000 Tanger zone franche
Tél : (0)539394167
Fax : (0)539394081
E-mail : hraihani@emdep.com

Electrical Test Tables

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   » Composants pneumatiques    »  Publié le 2015-05-27  [Lu  4521  fois]

Compact design that contains internally all needed pneumatic and electrical equipment for an easy connection of Pneumatic Modules. Test boards are modular and scalable from 256 test points up to the maximum capacity of the Test equipment. Assembly & Test Boards. The same characteristics as assembly modules but with screwed test probes. Accessories & Dimensional Test. Final inspection and components test.


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