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   » Accessoires pour cuisine    »  Publié le 2015-05-06  [Lu  11607  fois]

It’s been said before but it couldn’t be more true than it is with our WineStack, the modular wine rack we’ve created from simple, flat sheets of galvanized steel.You can fold the steel by hand and in well under a minute, you’ve got yourself a sturdy triangle. With the three modules in a package, you can lock them together in a row to store five bottles, or stack them into a pyramid that holds four bottles. Stack the units up to the ceiling, or in a few rows along a wall or on a counter-top. With its elegant stenciled pattern stamped into each sheet, WineStack looks great, and it’s completely flexible. We’ve created the design, but you are an active participant in the process: the possibilities are endless, and the system is just as endlessly expandable. One flat WineStack package of three modules (47.1 cm x 26 cm x 2.5 mm) weighs just 1680 grams. It’s the perfect gift for a design-conscious wine-lover. But it’s also great for an extensible wine rack in a restaurant. Or for off-location events, where you can easily set it up and break it down in just minutes.


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