Mes produits: 

» Composants pneumatiques

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Optical Fiber Counterpart

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   » Composants pneumatiques    »  Publié le 2015-05-27  [Lu  4378  fois]

The optical fiber coounterparts, together with its test software, allow making the test of optical fiber harnesses, checking the attenuation that has been produced in each wire.
Main features of the hardware:
Compliant with MOST and JIS specifications.
Up to 2 emitters and 2 receivers per counterpart.
RS232 interface with the computer.
RS485 communication between counterparts (up to 32 per network)
Main features of the software:
Test performed in three stages: locks, links and attenuation.
References editor.
Board editor.
Visual AID for connectors/ways available in edition screens, maintenance screens and test screens.
Multilingual support.
Access to the application controlled by password.


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