Mes produits: 

» Composants pneumatiques

Adresse : Tanger Free Zone - TFZ, ilot 103 - lot 3 - 90000 Tanger zone franche
Tél : (0)539394167
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E-mail : hraihani@emdep.com

Testem-R v2012

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   » Composants pneumatiques    »  Publié le 2015-05-27  [Lu  3656  fois]

The Testem- R is the second member in the Emdep electrical test devices family. Stand alone equipment, it is appropriate for the electrical test of small wiring harnesses, clips tables or assembly stations. After many years in the market, Testem-R became a standard for electrical testing for many customers who have found in our device the best solution for their application, unifying performance and programming simplicity. These characteristics make Testem-R one of the best electrical test devices in its range. The new generation of Testem-R includes new features and a new design according the latest technologies in the market such as:
Analog Test
USB port for program upload by pen drive
Ethernet connection


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