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   » Meubles et étagères de salle de bain    »  Publié le 2015-05-05  [Lu  6493  fois]

This is a collection of practical elements featuring simple shapes and clean-cut lines. The style is sophisticated and deliberately essential, precisely because it is targeted at contemporary furnishing requirements. A number of details, like the fact that there is no handle and the choise of the material (“tranchè oakâ€) meet exactly such requirements. In terms of style, our products focus on neutral colours, though of course, any other colour in the Urban series available. The price list reports the right amount of elements to create a full, modular and yet never complex collection. There are a number of optiones, with wooden tops and ceramic surface-mounted washbasins, along with built-in crystal and Politek tops. L.160 P.46 cm - Finish dark oak “tranchè" - Wooden top, ceramic washbasin.


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