Mes produits: 

» Services de transport - Location de véhicules

  » Transport routier

  » Transports maritimes spécialisés

Adresse : 119, bd Bir Anzarane - ex Danton, résid. Ramzi B - 20100 Casablanca
Tél : (0)522980833
Fax : (0)522233379
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Transportation Management Services

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   » Services de transport - Location de véhicules    »  Publié le 2015-06-09  [Lu  1299  fois]

Our staff has been where you are. That is why we are such effective problem-solvers. We are focused on expertly serving the specific needs of our clients. We have a nationwide network of thousands of new generation/next generation carriers with whom we have experience. We negotiate and manage millions of dollars in transportation services each year. Because we are a high volume transportation provider, we can offer exceptionally competitive rates to all of our customers -- rates that are much lower than most small to mid-size companies can negotiate on their own.
We are flexible in terms of our quotes and prices. Rates fluctuate with the marketplace, so our policy is to work off of market-based prices, not established rate card pricing.


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